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Alfa Laval ACH30EQ

ACH30 EQ Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger

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Alfa Laval AC brazed plate heat exchangers provide efficient heat transfer with a small footprint. They are specifically designed to work in air conditioning and refrigeration applications as evaporators and condensers in chillers and heat pumps.


  • Compact

  • Easy to install

  • Self-cleaning

  • Low level of service and maintenance is required

  • All units are pressure and leak tested

  • Gasket free


The brazing material seals and holds the plates together at the contact points ensuring optimal heat transfer efficiency and pressure resistance. Using advanced design technologies and extensive verification guarantees the highest performance and longest possible service life.

Different pressure ratings are available for different needs.

The integrated distribution system ensures an even distribution of the refrigerant throughout the plate package.

Based on standard components and a modular concept, each unit is custom-built to meet the specific requirements of each individual installation.

Suitable with most HFC, HFO and natural refrigerants.

3287108344, 3288154174, 3288154175, 32881541476

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